

Preaching from the Bible alone.

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/11/16 God's Plan:Relationship aa Sermon God's plan Sun AM Gods_plan_children.mp3
08/28/16 Perfection or else Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Perfection_or_else.mp3
08/14/16 Look out for number one Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Look_out_for_number_one.mp3
08/07/16 Why not Now? Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Why_not_now_-_Nathanael.mp3
07/31/16 The Mountain of God aa Sermon Spiritual singing Sun AM We_shall_assemble_-_Adam.mp3
07/24/16 There's a stirring aa Sermon Spiritual singing Sun AM Theres_a_stirring_-_Adam.mp3
07/17/16 Storms aa Sermon Spiritual singing Sun AM Storms.mp3
07/10/16 Peace Nathanael May Sermon Fruit of the Spirit Sun AM Peace.mp3
07/03/16 Joy Nathanael May Sermon Fruit of the Spirit Sun AM Joy.mp3
06/26/16 Chariots aa Sermon Spiritual singing Sun AM Chariots.mp3
06/19/16 Love Nathanael May Sermon Fruit of the Spirit Sun AM Fruit_of_the_Spirit_Love.mp3
06/12/16 The Slave Who Would Not Be Free aa Sermon Spiritual singing Sun AM Two_masters.mp3
06/05/16 Introduction: Three things to remember Nathanael May Sermon Fruit of the Spirit Sun AM Fruit_of_the_spirit_intro.mp3
05/29/16 Singing Ron Jarvis Sermon N/A Sun AM Singing.mp3
05/22/16 For Such A Time As This aa Sermon Evangelism Sun AM Opportunities.mp3
05/15/16 Loving your neighbor Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Loving_your_neighbor.mp3
05/08/16 Baptism aa Sermon Evangelism Sun AM Baptism.mp3
05/01/16 Gratitude Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Gratitude.mp3
04/24/16 Overcoming barriers Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Finding_your_purpose.mp3
04/17/16 Making Fishers of Men aa Sermon Evangelism Sun AM Throwing_our_line_in_the_water.mp3

Displaying 201 - 220 of 424

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