

Preaching from the Bible alone.

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Displaying 221 - 240 of 425

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/17/16 Making Fishers of Men aa Sermon Evangelism Sun AM Throwing_our_line_in_the_water.mp3
04/03/16 What I believe Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM What_I_believe.mp3
03/20/16 Parable of the Ants aa Sermon N/A Sun AM Ants.mp3
03/13/16 A Living Word aa Sermon Faith Sun AM Looking_at_scripture.mp3
03/06/16 Devotion Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Devotion.mp3
02/14/16 Eyes of Faith aa Sermon Faith Sun AM Eyes_of_Faith.mp3
02/07/16 Boycott Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Boycott.mp3
01/31/16 Faith of Our Fathers aa Sermon Faith Sun AM January_31st.mp3
12/13/15 The Blessings of Teaching aa Sermon N/A Sun AM Teachers.mp3
12/06/15 Having Faith Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Having_faith.mp3
11/29/15 Outsourcing Michael Mohsen Sermon N/A Sun AM Outsourcing.mp3
11/22/15 Doubt Nathanael May Sermon N/A Sun AM Doubt.mp3
11/08/15 Prayer Michael Mohsen Sermon N/A Sun AM Prayer.mp3
11/01/15 Conclusion Nathanael May Sermon 8 things to make every effort to add to ourselves Sun AM 8_things_-_Conclusion.mp3
10/23/15 Marriage Seminar Brent Hunter Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Marriage_Seminar-4_of_4.mp3 Marriage_Seminar-3_of_4.mp3 Marriage_Seminar-2_of_4.mp3 Marriage_Seminar-1.mp3
10/18/15 Love Nathanael May Sermon 8 things to make every effort to add to ourselves Sun AM Love.mp3
10/18/15 Love Nathanael May Sermon 8 things to make every effort to add to ourselves Sun AM
09/27/15 Childlike Ron Carpenter Sermon N/A Sun AM Childlike.mp3
09/20/15 Brotherly Affection Nathanael May Sermon 8 things to make every effort to add to ourselves Sun AM Brotherly_Affection.mp3
09/13/15 The greatest of these aa Sermon N/A Sun AM the_greatest_of_these.mp3

Displaying 221 - 240 of 425

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